
 Each team has a set of goals for the season which will include learning either Rover, Rotation, or Perimeter defense.  Serving, attacking, passing, blocking (where applicable), and setting will be worked on by the entire group.  We will teach a 6-2 offense to most teams and we will at least introduce the group to many of the things they will see in the future.  We want to focus on training at a reasonable price and time commitment.  Our best coaches are committed to this endeavor.  This offering is for players who potentially want to pursue volleyball as a high school sport.  It is not a sign-up and play activity (beginning in the 6th grade) or something to get your daughter out of the house for some exercise.  We want to positively impact girls who think they may pursue volleyball as their future high school sport.  Teams with beginner players will be expected to compete in the same or similar drills and we want to push the more advanced players.  Each player will get out of this what they put into it and feedback has been overwhelmingly positive even from absolute beginners.  Since wins and losses are not a factor in this activity, it does not matter that everyone is not at exactly the same level, but we do have tryout/evaluations to split players into skill groups to help practices run more smoothly.  If you trust us to place your player and they plug in to the activity, they will improve.